Property Tax
Are you a buy to let investor
or property dealer or developer?
Property tax is a bit of maze and we can advise you on issues such as...
- Tax reduction strategies for rental income;
- What is a repair and tax deductible and what is capital and not;
- When to use a Limited Company to save tax;
- Trading income versus Capital Gain considerations and advice;
- Capital Gains rollover and holdover considerations;
- Stamp duty planning;
- Tax efficient mortgage structures;
- VAT considerations of property deals;
- Making the most of the Principal Private Residence election;
- Tax issues on the sale of part of your residence;
- Second homes;
- Inheritance Tax angles.
For more information see our helpsheets on ...
- CGT and your principal private residence.
- Taxation of buy to let properties.
- Using a limited company to save property tax.
Next Step:
Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, would like a free consultation or a fixed fee quote.